Talented and gifted program

Tag is a program that is made for middle schoolers and high schoolers in Texas, also known as the  Gifted and Talented program it was created to meet the needs of students who are advanced in intellectual abilities. The Gifted and Talented programs in Texas deliver...

Our Year end promo -$134

And you thought we do one hour classes with your students?Yes and much much more .. Setup your next free trial at https://calendly.com/parinama/f Did you know we offer 73 courses for ages 4-14?Gradewise EnglishMathCodingChessSpelling beeGeo beeMath beeScience...


Let us check what is NNAT The Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT), developed by Pearson Inc., is a standardized test designed to assess the reasoning ability of students ages 5 to 17. The NNAT is utilized extensively in the U.S. as part of the admission process for...

2022 RRISD TAG testing

Don’t miss the deadline !!Rrisd parentsTomorrow is the deadline for TAG referralsHere is the contact list for TAG teachers and coordinators in your kid’s schoool campushttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sveQMI0lrqLOqkEo8RMwy_4aEme7Fakm09d–BQszRc/editThe...

Black Friday cyber Monday summer camp sale

Ready for our Black Friday or cyber Monday deal ? Summer camp for sale !! Yes it is $125 off our regular price Limited to 20 customers/transactions – no limit on customer order ( parents can order more than 2 ) Refunds – we standby our products and you can...

Kids – Get them vaccinated NOW

Are we there yet? As a student of WhatsApp,facebook and Instagram we knew a lot about covid and vaccines ( thanks to the general knowledge sharing by experts and non expert alike) No government or CDC or any agency at this can declare we have turned a page and Covid...

TAG talented and gifted NNAT

ISDs use a combination of cogat+ nnat+ Olsat Today we will learn what is NNAT What is the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test®️ Third Edition (NNAT3®️)?The Naglieri Nonverbal Abilities Test (NNAT3) is a nonverbal group-administered abilities test for grades K-12 used to...
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