Tag is a program that is made for middle schoolers and high schoolers in Texas, also known as the  Gifted and Talented program it was created to meet the needs of students who are advanced in intellectual abilities. The Gifted and Talented programs in Texas deliver accelerated and rigorous curriculum  to exceptional students with high potential. In the state of Texas, students are assessed for gifted and talented and is determined if they must be provided proper services by the school district.The first step in the Talented and Gifted process is to determine if your child may be considered gifted. According to the state of Texas, a Gifted and Talented student is defined as one who:

  • Performs exceptionally high in their academics 
  • Scores much higher on academic measurements compared to other students 
  • Students who are to be considered for gifted and talented  also display signs of
    • high performance in artistic skills
    • high performance in intellectual skills
    • strong leadership skills

Some of the positives of the TAG program is 

  • Positive Self-Concept
  • Academic Challenge
  • Academic Engagement
  • Raises Level of Instruction
  • More opportunities and competition  

Even though tag has some negatives like high expectations enforced on a child it still in my opinion is an excellent way for your kid to have some more of an academic challenge. Some ways to prepare for it would be by having your kids practice tests and make sure that they know most their concepts like  pattern recognition, figure matrices, analogy by reasoning and serial reasoning. Make sure you also time them when they practice so that you can improve their stamina and make sure that they are really focused when they start their practice tests. Ultimately, TAG is an amazing program that lets your kids excel in their academics and it is something that looks good in your child’s academic transcript. 


Some good practice tests for TAG

  1. https://www.testingmom.com/tests/cogat-test/sample-cogat-practice-questions/
  2. https://www.tests.com/practice/cogat-practice-test
  3. https://www.testingmom.com/tests/gifted-and-talented/practice-test-sample/
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