Animals and their Habitats

Where Do Animals Live? A habitat is the natural environment where an animal lives. A habitat provides food, water, space, and shelter to help an animal grow, reproduce, and survive.  There are five main habitats where animals live on our planet. They are the forests,...

Plant Growth

Plant Growth Plants are found everywhere on Earth. There are different types of plants, like grasses, shrubs, ferns, and trees.  Plants go through a growth cycle just like humans, and they need certain things to help them grow. Plants are unique as they make their own...

Our Solar System

Our Solar System The Sun and the planets revolving around it make up our Solar System. A moon is an object that moves around a planet.  There are eight main planets in our solar system. The first four are rocky planets, and the last are gas or ice giants Let’s explore...

Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Life Cycle of a Butterfly Butterflies are one of the most beautiful and colorful insects on our planet. Did you know that a butterfly begins its life as something completely different? Butterflies undergo a transformation process called “Metamorphosis,” defining the...

What Causes Seasons?

What Causes Seasons? There are two main reasons for the season to change every few months The Earth’s tilted axis The Earth revolving around the Sun Earth’s Tilted Axis We need to think about two imaginary lines when we talk about our Earth Axis The Earth is a sphere...

The Four Seasons

The Four Seasons  The four seasons are different times of the year when we experience distinct weather conditions.  Temperature, daylight, and animal behavior vary with each season The four seasons repeat in a pattern every year Winter ⇨ Spring ⇨ Summer ⇨ Fall Let’s...

The Five Senses

The Five Senses How can we learn about our natural world without using any tools? We can use our 5 senses to help us make observations about the world around us. The 5 senses are Sight, Hearing, Touch, Taste, and Smell.  Sight: We use this sense to see our...

What is Science?

What is Science? Science is the process of learning about the natural world around us by observing and conducting experiments.  Who studies it? People who study science are called “Scientists”. They use scientific practices and methods to gather information and then...

Weighted vs unweighted GPA

Weighted and Unweighted GPAs are methods of calculating a student’s academic performance, but they account for different factors: Unweighted GPA: Based purely on a student’s grades in classes. The scale typically goes from 0 to 4.0, where A = 4.0, B = 3.0,...
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