Human Body Explorers: The Journey of Food

Journey Of Food The journey begins when we see or smell appetizing food. The brain signals the salivary glands, making our mouth water.  Eating: We use our mouths to eat food, chewing it with our teeth to break it down into small pieces. The tongue helps move food...

Star and Constellations

What Is A Star? A star is a giant, glowing ball of gases held together by gravity. The main gas in a star is hydrogen. Stars come in different sizes, colors, and temperatures.  A star produces great amounts of energy in the form of light and heat. The Sun is a star. ...

The Power Of Pulleys

What Is A Pulley? A pulley is a simple machine that consists of a wheel with a groove around it and a rope that runs along the groove. Mechanical Advantage – Pulleys are used to lift heavy objects easily. By using multiple pulleys in a system, we can reduce the...

Plant Detective: Why Do Leave Change Colors?

Why Do Leaves Change Color? The green color of leaves comes from the pigment called “Chlorophyll,” which helps with photosynthesis.  Leaves change color in the fall due to changes in the amount of daylight and temperature. The days get shorter, and the temperature...
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