What is Science?

What is Science? Science is the process of learning about the natural world around us by observing and conducting experiments.  Who studies it? People who study science are called “Scientists”. They use scientific practices and methods to gather information and then...

Weighted vs unweighted GPA

Weighted and Unweighted GPAs are methods of calculating a student’s academic performance, but they account for different factors: Unweighted GPA: Based purely on a student’s grades in classes. The scale typically goes from 0 to 4.0, where A = 4.0, B = 3.0,...

AP vs Dual credit

AP (Advanced Placement) and Dual Credit are both programs that allow high school students to earn college credits, but they operate differently and offer distinct advantages: AP (Advanced Placement): Administered by the College Board, AP courses are college-level...

Math kangaroo vs Math Olympaid

Math kangaroo vs Math Olympiad differences Math Kangaroo and MOEMS (Math Olympiads for Elementary and Middle Schools)* Math Kangaroo Mar 21 2004 Format: Multiple-choice questions. Difficulty: Ranges from relatively easy to moderately challenging. Topics: Covers basic...
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