AP Classes and AP Tests

Recently, you started high school and you are wondering what AP classes are? You might have heard the name from other college kids. So, what are AP classes and Tests? AP (Advanced Placement) is a program in the United States and Canada created by the College...

What is a good SAT score for colleges?

You’re probably wondering: what’s a good SAT score, and how do you ace it?  First of all, SAT is a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States. SAT is used as an entrance exam by most colleges and...

Why is STAAR Important?

Why is STAAR Important? The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) First of all, every student between grade 3-12 is required to take the STAAR tests. STAAR is the Texas state testing program. This program is based on the state curriculum standards...

PreAlgebra 3 Free Classes starts Mar 17

We are excited to offer 3 free classes to get your kid in Grades 4-6 to get acquainted with the following concepts Arithmetic properties0/1900 Mastery pointsPlace value: Arithmetic propertiesRounding whole numbers: Arithmetic propertiesRegrouping whole...
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