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When I Grow Up

When I grow up, I want to be a doctor and children’s books author. I want to be a doctor because I want to help people. I want everybody to live a happy and healthy life. When I’m a doctor, I can share my knowledge and tips to ensure that everybody can...

The Lion King

The Lion King is a great movie according to me.It is about a Lion named Mufasa and his cubs Simba and Nala. Mufasa dies because his evil brother Scard pushes him off a mountain but Simba thinks it is his own fault because he doesn’t know what Scard did. Simba...

Weekend plans ?

Weekend and weekday plans ? Free classes Got grades 3-8 kids Try our math genius program for free today and tomorrow prealgebra and algebra 1 from 3-4 pm CST and 4-5 pm CST Tomorrow – 10-11 am CST free Slokas and stories online virtual classes . Register at...

Weekend plans ?

Weekend and weekday plans ? Free classes Got grades 3-8 kids Try our math genius program for free today and tomorrow prealgebra and algebra 1 from 3-4 pm CST and 4-5 pm CST Tomorrow – 10-11 am CST free Slokas and stories online virtual classes . Register at...

What’s your plan 3-4 pm today ?

What can your middle or high school kid to today from 3-4 pm ? Free demo class today Sunday June 7 from 3-4 pm Limited slots Book at—special-program TAG prep Grades 1-4 and SAT prep Grades 7-10 What are your middle and high...

What is Parinama Academy now?

Parinama Academy We are 100 % virtual now Zooming and Google meeting – We conduct virtual classes and camps for adults and kids (in person center at 1431 and Parmer is closed for now) Our camps are fun three 45 min classes with 15 min...

Snow cone week 1- next week

Our virtual summer camp kids had fun – learning,creating and competing this week You can register now for next week – snow cone theme starts on June 8 A days Learn – Chess (beginner and intermediate)Create – Creative writingCompete -Brain...
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