How Do Spiders Build A Web?

Spiders are nature’s engineers who build intricate and symmetrical webs.

  • Spiders have special organs in their abdomen called spinnerets that spin silk threads. 
  • The spider first releases a silk thread into the air, which the wind carries to another surface. This thread forms the foundation line or a bridge.
  • Next, the spider spins radial threads like the spokes of a wheel from the foundation line to form a frame. 
  • Starting from the center, the spider spins a spiral of sticky silk, adding droplets of sticky substance.
  • The spider also adds more non-sticky silk threads to strengthen and stabilize the web.
  • Insects get caught in the sticky spiral of the web. 
  • The spider repairs or rebuilds the web to keep it strong and catch prey effectively.

Types of Webs

Different species of spiders have evolved to build webs that suit their needs and environments.

  • Orb-Weavers – Build circular webs in open areas to catch flying insects. The classic orb web has a frame, radial lines, and a sticky spiral.
  • Sheet Weavers – Construct flat, horizontal webs that resemble a sheet. They build these webs in vegetation or between objects and capture prey that walks across the web.
  • Cobweb Spiders – Create irregular, tangled webs in corners of buildings or cluttered areas. They catch prey that comes into contact with the web.
  • Funnel Weavers – Build webs with a funnel-shaped retreat where the spider hides. The webs are found in grass, bushes, or on the ground, and the spider waits at the mouth of the funnel for the prey.
  • Trapdoor Spiders – Build burrows with a hinged trapdoor made of silk and soil. They wait inside their burrows for prey to pass by and then emerge to capture it.

Fun Facts

Here are some interesting facts about spider webs:

  • Spider silk is even stronger than steel of the same thickness.
  • Spider silk is elastic and can stretch up to five times its original length without breaking.
  • Some spiders decorate their webs with patterns or objects to attract prey.
  • Spiders can produce different types of silk for various purposes, such as building webs, wrapping eggs, or making shelters.
  • Some spiders eat their old webs to recycle the silk and build a new one.


Let’s quickly recap what we learned about the amazing world of spiders:

  • What special organs do spiders use to spin silk threads? Spinnerets 
  • Which type of threads do spiders spin from the foundation line that resembles the spokes of a wheel? Radial Threads
  • What is the purpose of the non-sticky threads on the web?  Strengthen and Stabilize
  • What type of spiders build circular webs in open areas to catch flying insects? Orb-Weavers
  • What type of spiders create irregular, tangled webs in corners of buildings or cluttered areas? Cobweb Spiders
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