Why is STAAR Important?

The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR)
First of all, every student between grade 3-12 is required to take the STAAR tests. STAAR is the Texas state testing program. This program is based on the state curriculum standards in core subjects: Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, and Social studies.

Although most student dreds taking these tests because of the stress and strain they add, they are very import. They determine if you’ll continue to the next grade. Most students have reported it being challenging but one can opt for a after school tutor or program to help. It doesn’t have to be hard.
Who is Required to take the STAAR test?
All public-school students in Texas between grade 3-12 are required to take the test.
When is STAAR Provided?
Grade 3-8 tests are given in the Spring. EOC (End of Course assessments) are available through out the year.
How Many tests are there?
Most times your kid will do 2-4 tests in a year but, the number of tests is determined by the grade. It mostly depends on what grade your kid is in.
Annual assessments Subjects and Grades
- Reading in grades 3-8
- Mathematics in grades 3-8
- Writing in grades 4 & 7
- Science in grades 5&8
- Social Studies in grade 8
- End-of-Course (EOC) assessments in English I, English II, Algebra I, Biology and U.S History
STAAR Test preparation
How can your kids prepare for the STAAR Test?
STAAR test doesn’t have to be hard. In addition to going to schools, parents can opt to hire tutors or after school programs. After school programs sometimes called out-of-school time are programs that mentor, tutor, and engage students of all ages. They help in academics, youth development arts and sports. Some of them have programs that help your kid to prepare for the STAAR tests.
One of the school with high quality after school program is Parinama Academy. What they do is mentor, train and work with your child to help them pass the tests. They have mentors that are able to study your child and create a tailored program for them. They understand that every kid needs attention and special requirement and they work with them to succeed. Apart from that they also offer STAAR camps, SATs, TSI, AP&IB programs, programming, Chess training, advanced programs and Mentoring programs.
Importance of High quality After school programs
High quality afterschool programs offer your kid a chance to succeed in different fields. Studies shows that after school programs have positive impact to a child. They improve performance, development and improve their chances to get to universities. Parinama academy has supervised programs that provide a safe and controlled environment. It provides a safe space where kids can spend time while their parents are at work. And in addition, they learn.
A study conducted by Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). “Results showed that Youth who participate in after-school programs improve significantly in three major areas: feelings and attitudes, indicators of behavioral adjustment, and school performance. (“The Impact of After-School”)
Where are STAAR given?
STAAR test are offered in Schools. At your own school.
Why are STAAR given?
They are designed to measure the quality of education in each grade and determine if your kid is ready for the next grade. The goal is to ensure that all students understand what’s been taught.

Parinama Academy. (2020). mainpage. Retrieved from https://parinama.academy/
Texas Education Agency. (n.d.). STAAR Resources. Retrieved from https://tea.texas.gov/student-assessment/testing/state-texas-assessments-academic-readiness-staar
The Impact of After-School Programs That Promote Personal … (n.d.). Retrieved March 6, 2020, from https://www.casel.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/PDF-1-the-impact-of-after-school-programs-that-promote-personal-and-social-skills-executive-summary.pdf
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