Free free fee free classes

Free free free and free Free booking reading club , chess club and now music club Yes music club – play any instrument , create songs , socialize and learn from friends Bring any instrument and join us...

PreK-K classes coming soon

Sales force admin , Group classes ( Math English chess coding ), private classes (now $99/4 classes a month) , Summer camp and free clubs We are working on PreK and k special group classesWeekday group classesWeekday evening group classesWeekend group classes Sales...

ISD updates and Daily programs

Parinama Academy is a preferred vendor to both RRISD and LISD . We are closely communicating with both RRISD and LISD. Leander ISD COVID update On July 17 LISD will provide an update on their plan to reopen in fall with 3-4 options -In person , Virtual , Hybrid and...

Let’s club

Got high school kids – they can volunteer with us … Elementary kids can join our clubs Middle schoolers – you keep them for now (just kidding !!) We are excited to continue withFree on Sundays ? We are not and you shouldn’t be either .. keep kids busy on...
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