Rockets & Satellites

  • Rockets and satellites are key technologies that help us reach space and explore the universe beyond our planet.
  • Rockets: Special vehicles that use powerful engines to overcome Earth’s gravity and launch astronauts or satellites into space.
  • Satellites: Machines launched into space to orbit Earth or other planets, used for communication, weather forecasting, and scientific research.
  • International Space Station (ISS): A giant laboratory in space where astronauts live and perform experiments to learn more about space and how the human body responds to life beyond Earth.


Space Probes & Telescopes

Unmanned probes and telescopes allow us to gather data and capture stunning images of distant worlds and cosmic phenomena.

  • Space Probes: Unmanned spacecraft that travel to distant planets, moons, and beyond to gather data and send it back to Earth.
  • Mars Rovers: Robotic explorers like Curiosity and Perseverance roam the surface of Mars, studying rocks and searching for signs of past life.
  • Space Telescopes: Instruments like the Hubble Space Telescope that capture incredible images of faraway stars, galaxies, and other cosmic phenomena.


How Do Rockets Launch Into Space?

Rockets break through Earth’s atmosphere using powerful engines and incredible speeds to overcome gravity and reach space.

Rocket Engines: Rockets burn fuel in their engines, creating a massive thrust (a force pushing them upward).

Newton’s Third Law: Rockets use Newton’s Third Law of Motion—For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The rocket is pushed upward as the fuel burns and gases are expelled downward.

Escape Velocity: Rockets need to reach a speed of about 25,000 miles per hour to overcome Earth’s gravity and leave Earth’s atmosphere.


Fun Facts

Here are some interesting facts about space exploration:

  • The Voyager 1 probe, launched in 1977, is the farthest human-made object from Earth, traveling beyond our solar system!
  • The Saturn V rocket, which took astronauts to the Moon, was as tall as a 36-story building!
  • Space suits used by astronauts can cost up to $12 million each, and the backpack and control modules are the costliest.



Let’s quickly recap what we learned about space exploration & technology:

  • What do rockets overcome to reach space? Earth’s Gravity
  • What are unmanned spacecraft that travel to other planets & moons? Space Probes
  • What instrument has captured images of faraway galaxies? Hubble Space Telescope
  • What machines orbit the Earth to collect data for weather forecasting and scientific research? Satellites


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