What can your middle or high school kid to today from 3-4 pm ? Free demo class today Sunday June 7 from 3-4 pm Limited slots Book at https://calendly.com/parinama/sat-math—special-program

TAG prep Grades 1-4 and SAT prep Grades 7-10
What are your middle and high kids going to do today at 3-4pm?
Here is an option
Attend Our SAT Math prep grades 7-10
TAG assessment can be scheduled anytime before our class starts at https://calendly.com/parinama/tag
Dates for TAG: (Time : 3pm-4pm) on Saturday

13th June, 20th June,27th June,
4th July, 11th July,18th July, 25th July,
1st AUG, 8th Aug, 15th Aug
Dates for SAT:(Time : 3pm-4pm) on Sunday
14th june,21st june, 28th june,
5th July, 12th July, 19th July, 26th July,
2nd aug, 9th Aug, 16th Aug
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