What is TSIA Test and why is it Important for you?

Getting into college is one of the best things ever! Either it’s a community college, 4-year university or reduced term college, either is a very big accomplishment. Now, one of the things that can get you to a college is TSIA. You’ve heard of SAT, AP, IB, STAAR among other Tests. TSI A is another of those tests with longer initials. Don’t get me wrong, I love initials, mostly those that spells like a name you know. The TSIA Assessment (TSIA) is part of the Texas Success Initiative enacted by the Texas State Legislature and designed to determine a student’s readiness for college-level coursework in the general areas of reading, writing, and mathematics.
If you are an incoming college student in Texas, you are required to take the TSI Assessment – unless you are already exempt. Students may be exempt from taking one or more sections of this exam. Maybe even all of it! SAT scores above 530 in math and 480 in reading and ACT composite scores higher than 23 with at least a 19 in math or English will do it. Students who haven’t taken the SAT or ACT are required to take the TSIA before enrolling.
What are passing scores?
Students scoring at or above the cut scores are considered “college ready” and eligible to enroll in any entry level college course.
Below are the passing cut scores for TSIA as set by the state:
- Mathematics: a minimum score of 350
- Reading: a minimum score of 351
- Writing: a score of 5 on the essay section or a score of 4 on the essay and a minimum score of 340 on the multiple-choice section

Pre-Assessment Activity
Before you take the TSI Assessment, you must participate in a Pre-Assessment Activity. It’s not optional. Students submit the results to their college admissions office, which gives them a pass to take the TSIA.
Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA). (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.mclennan.edu/testing-center/tsi1.html
Texas Education Agency. (n.d.). The TSIA (Texas Success Initiative Assessment). Retrieved from https://tea.texas.gov/academics/college-career-and-military-prep/tsia-texas-success-initiative-assessment
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