Learn,Create and Compete - we build talent stack!

We are a learning institute striving to help humans – all ages, shapes, and sizes new skills and talents.

Learners can choose private, small group classes, weekly/biweekly classes,30min,45min, and 60 min sessions, and individual lesson and homework plans tracked by the student success manager we ensure success in every course we teach.

We have a learn, create, and compete  track for kids

Learn track – We teach English, Math, Chess, Coding and conduct Summer +Spring Camps, Public speaking

Compete track – Debate, Math Olympiad, spelling bee, Geo bee, math bee, UIL, Duke TIP and SAT competition prep

Create tracks, Origami, drawing, blogs, books, art, and craft

Career oriented courses – AWS,Azure,GCP,Sales Force.com and Data Science

Why join us?

Joining us is easy

What’s New?

We want to build an educational enterprise which focuses on giving everyone a chance to succeed while ensuring every human feels ‘comfortable’ knowing what is to be known.


Parinama After school @ RRISD Registration now opens !!

RRISD Registraion opens for Chess , Math Bee and Spelling Bee.

Please Click to Register


Pre Algebra & Algebra 1 – 2 Spots Open!!

On Tuesdays 5 to 6 PM and Saturday 12 to 1 PM .

Please Click to Register


2 Spots open for Grade 2 & 3 English !!

On Mondays 5.30 to 6.30 PM .

Please Click to Register

Why join us?

Personalized Talent stack

We work on a plan to address your individual learning needs including your learning need, creative and competitive skills.

 We want you to victorious!


RLAD – Agile Methodology



Assessments & Demo

We want you to win

Flexible Programs

30min, 45min, and 60min sessions

Once or twice a week or as many times as you want

Private or small group

We want you to accomplish

Student Success Manager

Dedicated Student success manager who works on learner success

 We want you to succeed

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